Compelling Forces: Power of Vision

Today we would go back to our question from previous post.

If you have $1trillion, how would you think? how would you act? what would you do?

What would you do?

Do you know that Nigeria’s GDP is currently $1 trillion? Shocking, right?

Our question could have also been, if you are the president what would you do.

What you would do is an offset of the vision you have. Vision are thoughts of a perceived future or a desirable sate of things.

Vision is a compelling force that drives the life of a man, it sets pace for him to pursue. It keeps him constantly at the edge to achieve great things. Even when failure comes the vision propels him to push through and move ahead.

Do you have a vision for your life?

I have a vision that all of my life would be summed up in create a habitable and *skill enhancing facility to cater for 1000 people who would naturally not be able to do so for them self (I use skill here in a broad sense to cover both academics and handiwork depend on personal traits). The stretching part of this vision is that it would be replicated in all 36 state of the nation.

Silly? Stupid? Unattainable?

Did I hear you use those words, please don’t. I have wrote to you once to have a possibility mindset and think how can it be done.

If your vision is not bigger than what you alone can achieve, then its still a childs play.

The power in the vision would bring the people, the resources and the wisdom to guide you in achieving the vision.

You now know what I would do with $1 trillion.

Do you have a vision?

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