Daily Archives: October 24, 2014

It shouldnt be about me

In a ”selfie culture”, its difficult to make such statements but thats exactly what my life have been about and that is what I want my life to be about.

I care much about you, I care much about the people around me. I might not show it often but I really do. In 2011 I captured that in three words ”The Plus Life”. I want to add value to the people I meet everyday, everytime and anywhere. I want to go out of my way to help, i can even hurt myself just to see you are okay.

It shouldnt be about me, today I celebrate another year and I have shown in a little way that it shouldnt be about me. I have talked with people this morning who would feel bad they didnt know today is my birthday anniversary.

I would never feel bad! Its not about me
For this next phase of my life, its about the impact and imprints I can leave in people, in things, wherever I find myself at all time and in all places.

If you feel obliged drop a comment but either way, its not about me.